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The Tale of Baswara

Stage 2

Story by Lottie Shauvek 

Edit by the CLA Editing Team 

Illustrated by Anya Kumarawati


Baswara is a faraway land, and it is my home. Sadly, it hasn’t always felt like one. Everyone knows that Cahara, the leader of Baswara, created this stupid code of crazy rules. For example, one law stated that men could only have short hair and women should have long hair. I didn't want to follow his rules. But I was scared and didn't understand his powers. I was lucky to find Melati, which helped me.

Chapter 1

Our story started one morning in Baswara. Nusa and Kantang were in the bookstore. Nusa picked up a book that he wrote. He read one page after another. His story had been changed completely.

Suddenly, they heard shouts coming from the square. They went outside to investigate. A young man was being taken by the moral police for having long hair. Directing the scene was Cahara, the ruler of Baswara. “There is no mercy for rule-breakers like you! TAKE HIM TO ANTILIAR!” commanded Cahara.

No one in the crowd moved until someone came forward. “STOP THIS! LET HIM GO! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!” shouted a young woman, Gayatri.

“Who do you think you are? You dare stand up against me huh?! HUH!?” said Cahara. 


Nusa quickly stepped between Gayatri and Cahara. “Sir! Please forgive her and let her go!” requested Nusa.


He was surprised to see him. He looked away and spoke. “Get out of my sight, both of you! Take that man to Antiliar!”


After Cahara left, Gayatri immediately walked toward Nusa and pushed him. “Why did you stop me? Who are you to stop me?” said Gayatri angrily.

“A simple thank you would be nice. I’m Nusa. Nice to meet you. What's your name?” asked Nusa politely.

“I don't need to tell a strange man my name!” Gayatri sighed in frustration.

“Listen here, Mister Nusa,” said Gayatri with a stern voice. “The rules Cahara made are not meant to protect the people. They are meant to give Cahara more power and control. Baswara may look peaceful, but it isn’t. He won't let us see anything from the outside world, so we don't know how ugly Baswara is.”

Gayatri walked away leaving Nusa behind.

Chapter 2

Nusa went back home with Kantang. “What are you thinking about?” asked Kantang. “Is it that girl in the square?” he guessed.

“Uuhh, yes,” groaned Nusa. Kantang really had a sense of mind reading. “She said that Baswara is not peaceful! People don't know how bad Baswara is. I have always wondered why Baswara stands alone. Her answer makes sense!” said Nusa.

“Nusa! These are dangerous thoughts! This is the same as disrespecting Cahara!” said Kantang in a low whisper. “If the moral police heard this conversation, you could be sent to Antiliar! Are you crazy?” Kantang looked around worriedly.

“You know,” said Nusa with a sigh. “All my friends thought that the laws should never be questioned. Except you. You are the first real friend in my life. I’m just trying to say I trust you, Kantang. You mean a lot to me, and I care about your opinions!”

“I'm glad that you trust me, Nusa,” said Kantang. He took a deep breath and seemed to be preparing himself.  “But you should know that I’m, ah um, I am different.” The air suddenly turned heavy, but Nusa stayed quiet. “I’m not what Baswara wants from the men of this country. My whole life is against the law. I live in fear, afraid that I will be sent to Antiliar at any time.” Kantang looked down, sad and scared that Nusa would turn him in.

“I won't turn you in, Kantang,'' said Nusa. “When I was small, I would go above and beyond to obey the rules as a perfect Baswara citizen. Until… I wanted to be a writer,” continued Nusa. “I realized the laws are not right. The government has changed what I had written in my book.”


Kantang smiled and prepared to leave. “Follow me, Nusa. I’ll take you to your answers,” said Kantang.


“What? Where?” asked Nusa. “Kantang, wait!” Nusa took his coat and followed Kantang out.

Chapter 3

Kantang opened a secret door. There was a light-filled room with people of all kinds, truly looking happy. Here is “Melati.” People were discussing openly, men with long hair, women with short hair! Nusa was shocked. He continued to look around until Kantang brought someone over.

“Nusa, meet Gayatri. Gayatri, meet Nusa,” said Kantang, introducing them to each other.

Nusa stared at Gayatri. Gayatri stared at Nusa. Nusa gave Gayatri a smile. Gayatri just stared back with a look of disgust. “Yeah, we already met in the square today,” answered Gayatri shortly.

“I know,” replied Kantang, just as short.

“Why did you bring him here? I don’t like him! He is CRAZY!” answered Gayatri, giving Nusa a look.

“Both of you stood up to Cahara which could get you sent to Antiliar! Plus, he thinks you’re pretty, so… please, give him a chance to be part of this,” requested Kantang with puppy eyes.


“Fine! I'll give him ONE chance!” Gayatri walked back to Nusa. She forced a smile and welcomed Nusa to the club, Melati.

Time went by. Nusa had conversations with Kantang, Gayatri, and others. Melati was built for the different people in Baswara, those who do not fit with the rules. Kids in Melati were picked up from the streets or were orphans. Despite having no windows, the room was filled with the hope these people had for the change of Baswara.


Chapter 4

Weeks had passed since Nusa began visiting Melati more often. One day Gayatri, Nusa and Kantang went for lunch together. After their meal, they walked around the square. They were enjoying their time when suddenly the moral police walked towards them and arrested Kantang. “What is happening here? LET ME GO!” shouted Kantang.

“SILENCE! This man has violated Baswara’s law! said the moral police. Nusa, Gayatri and Kantang were shocked. “He will be sent immediately to Antiliar. Now if you'll excuse us.” The moral police left and took Kantang with them. 

Gayatri sat down and cried. “How… how did the police even find out? The only ones who knew he is different are…,” said Gayatri. “There are only two people who knew about this other than Kantang himself -- me and you! I didn’t and would never turn him in, which means YOU must have done it!” cried Gayatri. 

Nusa was surprised. He knew how close Gayatri and Kantang were. “Please Gayatri,” begged Nusa. “I would have never done that! I would never hurt him!”

“I trusted you! How could you do this to me? Don’t you ever come back to Melati!” shouted Gayatri. She turned away and left.

“I'll prove you wrong! I'll prove to you that it was not me!” cried Nusa. Gayatri did not care and walked away. He could only hope she heard him.

Chapter 5

Sometime later, Gayatri and Kirana, one of Gayatri’s dance students, were walking in an alleyway when they saw two men having a conversation. One was a young man with long hair. Gayatri recognized him as the man who was supposed to be sent to Antiliar. To Gayatri`s surprise, the other man also looked familiar. He was the same moral police who arrested the long-haired man in the square! Gayatri and Kirana hid and listened to their conversation.


“You figured out that man was different! Why is it so hard now?” asked the moral police. The long-haired man had been spying on Melati. Gayatri realized that the scene in the square last week was only meant to expose members of Melati!


Gayatri headed to Nusa’s house, but only found a note:



I know that Kantang is like a brother to you.  I swear I did not turn him in. But you didn't believe me.  I will prove you wrong. If you are holding this letter, I'm currently in Antiliar. I will look for Kantang and bring him back to you. Wait for me.


Gayatri knew just what to do. Only rule breakers were ever sent to Antiliar.  She walked out of the house and cut her hair short. As Gayatri was walking along the road, the moral police came and stopped her. "Your short hair is against the rules! We are taking you to Antiliar!" said the moral police.


With that Gayatri was sent to Antiliar.

Chapter 6

With no path to follow, every step was difficult. Gayatri was lost in the forest of Antiliar. “I’m going to die here, alone, with no one to know,” she thought as tears and rain rolled down her face. She had lost all hope and was slowly losing consciousness.


Gayatri opened her eyes to the morning sun. She was alive! She had slept in a small hut with Nusa sitting across from her. Gayatri was filled with relief. She jumped out of bed to hug him. “Nusa! I’m so sorry! It was not you after all! It was that stupid long-haired guy who turned Kantang into the moral police!” Gayatri let go of her hug and stared straight at Nusa. “Let’s find Kantang and get out of here!” Gayatri pulled Nusa by the hand, eager to find Kantang.

“Gayatri, Kantang is over there,” pointing behind her. Kantang was sitting quietly, smiling and waving at her.

“KANTANG!” She rushed and hugged him tight. Kantang accepted her hug with open arms.

“I'm sorry I made you worry, Gayatri,” apologized Kantang.


Nusa and Kantang took Gayatri and walked around Antiliar. Gayatri was shown the village with … truly happy people! Antiliar is no longer a scary place. The absence of rules made people free to be themselves. All three traveled around Antiliar meeting different people all day long.


Nusa and Kantang took Gayatri and walked around Antiliar. Gayatri was shown the village with … truly happy people! Antiliar is no longer a scary place. The absence of rules made people free to be themselves. All three traveled around Antiliar meeting different people all day long.

Weeks passed. Kantang, Gayatri, and Nusa had made the island their home. As Nusa’s feelings for Antiliar grew. “Gayatri, I really like it here,” said Nusa.

“Me too. This place is heaven!” said Gayatri.

Suddenly, they heard screams. “IS THIS ANTILIAR?! Tell me the way out!” a man shouted repeatedly.

“Sir, there is no way out! This place is heaven! Why would you ever want to leave?” asked Gayatri.

“Listen here, people! Cahara has decided that people should be killed instead of being sent away for breaking the law. The moral police troops are coming here to kill all of us! Time is running out, you better start hiding!” shouted the man.

The crowd was in shock and panic. The scene became noisy as everyone desperately thought of a way out. Cahara has made Baswara into a sad place, so much so that people who were sent to Antiliar, were actually happier than when they were in Baswara. If they lose Antiliar, there would be no more happy place. 


Nusa knew they had to fight.

Now Nusa jumped onto the tree stump and shouted.



The crowd was suddenly silent. Everyone had their eyes on Nusa. He became nervous but was determined to say what he had to. “You can't hide forever,'' he continued. Everyone stood still. “It’s time to fight! Cahara has taken our freedom, and now he wants to take our lives! If Cahara does not give us OUR freedom, we will fight him, even if it's the last thing we do!”


Nusa looked at the now eager crowd.


“So, who is with me?”

Chapter 7

A little girl bumped into Cahara. It was Kirana. She had run into him, not looking where she was going. The moral police caught Kirana. Cahara looked down on the little girl who had just fallen down. Kirana held her breath, preparing for the worst. “DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE BRAT! HANG HER IN THE SQUARE. I want it to be public! Everyone should be there or else!” commanded Cahara. Kirana burst into tears as the rope was placed around her neck. She could only cry and wait for the command to end her life. “We have gathered today to see what happens when you break the law!” said Cahara, starting his speech before the execution. “I will remind you why you should always obey the rules.” He turned and looked at Kirana one last time, “PULL THE ROPE.”

“NOOO!!” It was Gayatri! Surrounding the square were Antiliar troops ready to fight, led by her, Kantang and Nusa. Antiliar was winning, and in the confusion, Nusa looked for Gayatri. He saw Gayatri crying in front of Kirana’s hanging body. She was dead. Gayatri gave Cahara a murderous look. “YOU MONSTER!” she shouted as she tried to tackle Cahara to the ground.


“STUPID KID! You think you can defeat me? I’m the KING of BASWARA! You will never win!” said Cahara as he took her captive and put a gun to her head. “My supporting troops will come any minute, and then ALL of you will be DEAD!”


“That won’t happen! We took all your weapons and ammunition! You cannot win, Father. Give up!” commanded Nusa. He took his gun and pointed it at Cahara. Gayatri’s eyes widened in shock. Cahara and Nusa were family!


“I’m not your father, and you are not my son! I will never give up!” said Cahara. He pushed the gun harder towards Gayatri’s head and was ready to shoot.


“NOOO!” shouted Nusa. The two guns fired at the same time. Cahara and Gayatri fell to the ground.


Dear Readers,


It’s been six months since the battle for Baswara. Cahara is dead, but don't worry, Gayatri survived. Someone has to lead Baswara.

I am not that person, but Gayatri is. And Kantang is her vice.


I myself wanted to continue writing. I want to spend my days doing the things I love most. The crazy rules of Baswara are gone. We can now live the way we want. See you next time, wherever you are.

Best regards,

Nusa Raihan Kertajasa


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